Are You Aware?

Awareness is nothing but having knowledge or understanding of something.

How can we work on something if we are not aware of it? How can we accept or look for solutions for a problem if we do not even know it is happening? So today, I am writing to those who can acknowledge their anxiety or what they perceive as discomfort and clueless feelings.

In a world where media controls narratives and it is done at a very fast speed, it is not uncommon to ignore what triggers our feelings and emotions in a negative way, which leads to not researching what to do to obtain peace.

And that’s our goal…

Becoming aware of our feelings and emotions, so we can shift control back to ourselves and learn how to soothe. Part of emotional healing is understanding how we feel and why, or at least being curious about the reason why I am feeling unsettled or uncomfortable. For now, I wanted to share how anxiety feels for me and what I do to soothe myself into a more peaceful state.

Usually, I become aware of my anxiety when I start getting this warm sensation in my chest, I lack focus, and I start to overthink. Many times, anxiety is the uncertainty of what will happen in the future and our desire to control the outcome that often translates to physical feelings such as warmness of the chest, sweating palms, and dry mouth.

So, as I became aware of all of these changes in my body, I accepted I could do something to relax and feel better. First, I rule out a physiological need that hasn’t been met, such as hunger, thirst, or lack of sleep. These physical needs directly affect how we feel and there are often the answer to start feeling better. If these needs are met and I continue to feel anxious, I resource other ways of soothing myself like:

  1. Go for a walk.

  2. Get perspective from a friend who allows me to feel safe.

  3. Be in nature.

  4. Journal my thoughts.

  5. A therapy session.

  6. Accepting reality and staying present.

  7. Slowing down and pausing before reacting.

  8. Letting go.

To recap, we need to be aware of our feelings, to take responsibility for them. It is the fastest way to start feeling better and reach a peaceful state of mind.

Read you around.


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