Create an Opportunity
Hello Readers
I know, you must be thinking: ‘Where has this dude been?”. Well, I have been very busy, mostly getting used to Instagram’s algorithm and getting entertained with politics. Anyways, I am back to make sure I stop paying for this site without using it lol, and to re take my position of spreading a good positive message of love.
A few weeks ago, I was able to meet up with two great minds and together we created amazing content. The amazing Colombian designer Christian Colorado, the awesome moment capturer @linkerbsphotography and I had a great lunch in Soho, New York. All right after Lin took some great pictures of me wearing Christian’s designs. I thought it was a great time to share with you.
Hola lectores.
Lo se, probablemente están pensando: “¿Dónde estaba este muchacho?” Bueno, yo he estado muy ocupado, mayormente acostumbrándome a los cambios de Instagram y entreteniéndome con la política americana. De cualquier manera, estoy de regreso para asegurarme de no seguir pagando esta pagina web sin usarla lol, y tomar mi posición usual de enviar un mensaje positivo de amor.
Hace unas semanas, tuve la oportunidad de juntarme con dos grandes creadores, y juntos creamos un contenido increíble. El increíble diseñador colombiano Christian Colorado, la interesante cautivadora de momentos @linkerbsphotography y un servidor tuvimos almuerzo en Soho, NY. Todo después de que Lin tòmara muy buenas fotos de mi llevando los diseños de Christian. Pienso que es una experiencia que debo compartir con ustedes.
Si todavía están leyendo, pues asegúrense de leer las notas en cada foto. Allí esta la esencia.
First, I was Christian’s online friend. (that’s how most friendships are created nowadays). And if you visit his gallery … You would want to be friends with him as well.
Primero, Yo era cyber amigo de Christian (asi es como la mayoria de amistades se crean hoy en dia). Si ustedes ven su galeria… Van a querer see su amigo tambien.
Only in the Darkness can you see the Stars
Solo en la Oscuridad puedes ver las Estrellas
Christian has been showing in NYC fashion week for two years now, and there was our opportunity to meet. Creative minds need to feed from others creative minds.
Christian tiene dos años mostrando sus diseños en NYC Fashion Week, and ahi estuvo mi oportunidad para juntarnos. Creadores necesitan alimentarse de otros creadores.
“Darkness cannot drive out Darkness: only Light can do that. Hate cannot drive out Hate: only Love can do that”
“Oscuridad no puede expulsar Oscuridad: solo Luz puede hacerlo. Odio no puede expulsar Odio: solo Amor puede hacerlo”
I decided to make our meeting an opportunity to keep our lights shinning… I proposed to him to take photographs of his creations with the amazing lenses of Lin Photography.
Yo decidi hacer de nuestra reunion una oportunidad para mantener nuestra luz brillando.. Le propuse a Christian tomar fotos con sus diseños con el incredible lente de Lin Photography.
“ A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”
“Una Vela no pierde nada con encender otra vela”
“As a side note, people need to be less selfish when collaborating with other creative minds... It is not a big deal, no one can still your light”
I met Lin through a mutual friend we both have. Have you ever met someone who has an instant connection with your energy? That was Lin for me. I learned that while taking photographs, the connection you have with the moment capturer needs to be one of a kind. Otherwise, it shows.
Conoci a Lin atraves de una amiga en comun. Alguna vez has conocido a alguien quien conecta con tu energia instataneamente? Eso me paso con LIn. He aprendido que mientras tomas fotos, la conexion con el fotógrafo necesita ser unica. De otra forma, se nota.
“Forgive them, even if they don’t… By the way, this is how ConEdison should show their ads”
Lin was all about meeting Christian, and we enjoyed each other creative minds as we worked together. We all met that day in person, and we all quickly identified with each others fire to create, and we channelled our energies pretty well.
Lin estuvo muy dispuesta a conocer a Christian, y todos disfrutamos de nuestra creatividad trabajando juntos. Todos nos conocimos en persona ese dia y pronto nos identificamos con el fuego mutuo de crear.
“ Part of the business of creating is often minding your own”
We didn’t see each other as competitor, or even as different backgrounds. We just took the time to enjoy each others’ talent without any judgement.
Nunca nos vimos a nosotros mismo como competencia, or diferente historias. Solo disfrutamos el momento sin juzgar.
In the end, we all created an opportunity for ourselves. We went with what we could offer and made it work as if we planned it for a few months. True artists adapt to other lights as they share their own.
As a reader, I invite to take this story and see the light in it. We are all in this world for a purpose and with skills that only us can provide. Go find common ground minds and create content, I ensure you, it will bring happiness to your heart.
See you next time…
En fin, todos creamos nuestras propias oportunidades. Llegamos con lo que podíamos ofrecer y lo pusimos en labor como si se hubiera planeado por meses. Verdaderos artistas se adaptan a otras energías, mientras comparten las suyas.
Como lector, te invito que tomes esta historia y veas la luz en ella. Todos estamos en el mundo por un propósito y con habilidades que solo nosotros podemos proveer. Encuentra suelo común en otros creadores e inventen contenido. Les aseguro, les traerá felicidad a sus corazones.
Hasta luego
PS: You can follow us all in Instagram…
Photography: @Linkerbsphothography
Designer: @Chrix.riot
Style Blogger : @landostyle